Iconoclasts by Biofrost Entertainment (PS4/Vita/Switch)

Iconoclasts avatarOne of the best trends that keep coming back to video games is side-scrolling platforms such as Iconoclast. This new game made his debut not so long ago, and it quickly rose to prominence among the indie community. The first port of the game was released to mainstream powerhouses PS4 and PS Vita, but the latest release was aimed at the Nintendo Switch, and it translated beautifully, making the game feel right at home. Iconoclasts stand out for two main reasons: it looks, feels and plays a lot like classic Metroid, and it has one of the greatest storylines conceived to date for video games.

The Setting

Iconoclasts settings put us in the shoes of a girl named Robin. She’s your above-average smart girl with a penchant for denying societal order in her world and with abilities that differ from her designated role. As you can expect, the sci-fi setting of the games takes humanized characters to another galaxy where things are pretty different than earth, but also strike very close to home. The main antagonist to our character is a local [Read more…]

Gmail, GMX, Zoho, iCloud email hacker software is threatening their security systems

All free email providers are working to secure their database from hacking attacks as strong as possible. But at same time, black-hat hackers are searching for new ways to break inside those protected servers too. So this is like never ending cat and mouse game.

Latest rumor claim that over 50,000 Gmail and 30,000 Outlook/Hotmail accounts got stolen from users all around the word. So just imagine you use one of these free e-mail provider accounts for years and you never deleted any message from your inbox. Then at the end your account gets hacked. I’m afraid to even mention if you’ve used it for business purpose. Conclusion from this: You’re in BIG trouble!

Email accounts stolen

This is why everyone should do maximum of your effort to protect every of your online account as higher possible! Use all existing solutions you read everywhere. And most important ones are:

1. Never use same password on multiple accounts. Every of your password should be different. One for Facebook, 2nd for Instagram, 3rd for Gmail, 4th for whatever else, and so on.

2. Use paid antivirus software. Why? Because hackers make new spyware/ worms/etc every day which are likely possible undetected by most AV’s. When antivirus tools detect each new ones, they put it on detected known list of malware. So when having updated good AV you’re staying in touch with every new harmful list of potential viruses.

Example of newest email hacker tool can be found below.

You need to remember that every detail about yourself you share online can be used against you for a skilled hacker.
It takes short moment until you lose everything.

Hack email with phone number

Just with using a phone number, attacker can [Read more…]

PS2 Emulator App for Android & iOS is released

PS2 Emulator for AndroidHello guys! There has been long time since last post. I apologize due to many obligations IRL I was inactive for some time here.
PS2 Emulator for Android is the tool what I’m gonna talk about today. Application “APK” for any Google’s operating system device like tablet or smartphone, how its creators claims it works on. Really interesting. I was browsing one gaming forum this morning for some news and stopped by on this one. I have to admit it really impressed me because at that moment I felt really nostalgic because it reminded me how enjoying times I was spending with my PlayStation 2 console long time ago when I still was in primary school.

Anyway I decided to get it right away and test it by myself on my Samsung S6. The PS2 Emulator APK named “PS2Smart” is available to download on its official website. Installation process is normal like any [Read more…]

Introduction to Gaming Console Emulation Tools for PC

Console EmulatorsHello everyone. Today we are gonna talk about emulators, programs which are created to run console made games on computers primarly. Some emulators are even created for Mac, Linux and mobile operating systems like iOS and Android.

So as their name says, these tools emulate your PC to work and act like it’s certain console device, such as PlayStation 3, Xbox and others. So you can input your desired game in DVD disc drive or run it as image file (ISO) from your memory and finally play it from computer just like it normally works on it’s suitable console device.

Now let’s take a look at some already working emulators from currently available ones from the [Read more…]

Software and Applications – Our Primarily Shares

While at Day Warez we will review all kind of downloadable files such as games, movies, music, graphics,  documents and such, our primarily reviews is going to be software files, applications, programs and similar ones. Whilst these ones in our opinion are most useful ones, because no technology devices wouldn’t work like we can see it if there is no certain software (operating system) installed inside it. This kind of software is a bran of such device because it’s giving him orders what to do and connects stated devices with humans.
So let’s now go trough all kind of apps we are going to share at our warez site.

Cracks & Keygens
KeygensThese are most searched files in general at warez world. Anyone who downloaded some program like video player, antivirus, some game or any application which they [Read more…]